often heard that every media always show the current issues that happened in
world today. The current issues that happened now is the El-Nino phenomenon in
Malaysia on 2016 and it has lead to heat stroke. Even that the issues are new
but many bloggers writing about that illness. Heat Stroke is the most serious form of heat
injury and is considered a medical emergency. Heat stroke also known as
sunstroke which is can cause damage to the brain and other internal organs.
Heat stroke is a condition caused by your body overheating, usually as a result
of prolonged exposure to or physical exertion in high temperatures.
Source: Google images
Equinox phenomenon where the sun will be at the
centre of the equator with a high temperature. This often happened in afternoon
at 12.00 to 3.00 p.m. This phenomenon also frequently happened on March and
also September.The high temperature that happened make we exposed
to the heat stroke that is the temperature that over than 40.5 celcius. The
normal body temperature of human should be 37 celcius and if it is more than
that, it will lead to fever or may cause heat stroke as stated above.
When our
body temperature over than normal temperature, we will feel our body sweating
and we will feel very hot. If it is happened continuously, it will make our
body loss of water . Then, we will experience dehydration, epilepsy, and our brain cannot be functioning well and also can lead to death. Other than that, heat stroke also can attack everybody
and it is not specific to one's person. It also can happened to animals and
also our pets. However, the most individuals that have a high risk to have a
heat stroke is old folks, diabetes patient, obesity and also people that have
According the blogs has been written by bloggers about the heat stroke
they writing in various way to give reader understand about the phenomena.
Then, it also have similarities and differences about the writing. We have take
some blogs that have been writing this phenomena. In the blog writer most
writing about the dangerous, symptoms, prevention and death cases happened.
For instant, that illness can bring someone to death
because of body overheating and it can attack the brain until brain cannot be
function. For example in Malaysia first cases of the heat stroke is on 17 March
2016 a male 23 years old has dead during event ice breaking he collapsed at parade square. After that
have 11 cases heat exhaustion and three patients has been recognize as heat
stroke illness at Putrajaya. Causes of the death cases Kementerian Kesihatan
has came out the campaign about dangerous of heat stroke. In television like
RTM and TV3 always show about the symptoms, how to prevent and teach society do
and do not do during El Nino phenomena. This is written in Rapi's blog and
Siakap Keli's blog. They writing the same issue for all people or society alert
about the phenomena.
For Siakap Keli News, the writer only explain about
the people death cause of heat stroke. The writer not mention the symptoms and
how to prevent the phenomena compare Rapi's news/blog, the writer mention about
dangerous of the heatstroke. Then they mention how to know the symptom if
someone get heatstroke and how to prevent the symptoms for not become worse.
Utusan online writing about heatstroke in different way which is they only
mention about the death causes of heatstroke. The writer did not mention about
the how to prevent and symptoms of heat stroke. So, we can see differences of
blog have different ways of they present their idea about the certain issues.
There is several type of
prevention for person who infect with heat stroke. Victims must receive
immediate treatment to avoid permanent organ damage. First and foremost, cool
the victim. Get the victim to a shady area, remove clothing, apply cool water
to the skin, fan the victim to promote sweating and evaporation and place ice
packs under armpits and groin. If the person is able to drink liquids,
have them drink cool water or other cool beverages that do not contain alcohol
or caffeine. But the most important measures to prevent heat stroke are
avoiding vigorous physical activities in hot and humid weather and also avoid
becoming dehydrated.
There are several step that need to be consideration
for the people that have heat stroke. One of it is to stay at the cold place
and at the shady place that no too exposed to the sunlight. Beside that, the
high temperature can be reduced if the individuals placed under the fan and
wipe the body with a wet towel. Patient also can bath to reduced the body
temperature. Instead of that, the another step that should be taken is to avoid
ourselves with the outdoor activities that exposed to the sunlight. The patient
also should be encourages themselves to drink a water in a lot of quantities or at least 3 liter per day. Then the picture as
follow are one of the way how to give more understanding for people.

1. What are the similarities
and differences in reporting?
Some blog have similarities and differences
way of blogger represent their writing. For
instant the similarities of the blog are the report has a same
content, which is report about the heat stroke. The information in both print media and
online media are same.
For example in utusan Online and printed news Utusan. The story or issues that
have write are the same and it the same with other blog write the same topic.
Beside that, all blogger can writing all what they know about the issues
similarities of blog is many advertisement and the blogger decorate their
blog being more interesting to attract readers. Then they use the simple words and sentences for the readers to
understand what they try to present.
However this blog also
have differences such as;
(A) Formal and informal
In online media, the reporters can use informal words in their reports.
For example, the writer can use his own words in his blogs about the heat
stroke. The writer also use mixed word and sentences in the
writing such as in blog Sirap Limau. The blogger use Bahasa Malaysia and
English in writing their report. On the other hand, the writers in print media
are using the formal words to write their reports. This is because the reader can easily understand what the writer present. Then it not
only citizen read but for among politician. If the news are not valid it can be
big issues in politic.
(B) Editing
differences between the online media and print media are the information that
had written can be editing by someone in their own blogs. But in print media,
once the report has print the information cannot be editing.
(C) Costs
print media more costs that the online media. The print media need to pay the
costs operating for printing and edition. Besides that, each issue in that
print media also pay in different price. Usually depends on the content of
pages, the size of column in the paper and the information. In other hand, most
online media is free and usually less expensive than viewing in print media.
(D) Limitation of information/ validity
The information had written in print media are limited. This is because
print media has to go through the printing process before it is available to
its readers. In addition, the editors need some times to check the validity of
the information before the printing process. In online media the readers can
get the information as soon as it is available. With the advances in technology
many people can now access the internet on their mobile phones, which grants
them access to online media anytime anywhere.
2. What constitutes good and bad practice in online news?
The good what constitute in online news more details
information about the issues and the readers not worry about the news are right
or not. then online news also easy to be viral through mass media ang social
media. Online media good because it has related issues which make easy to
readers or people search and know more about the issues.
The bad practice in online news is the information
not given fully information to readers. This is can show in Utusan Online where
as they only state that about the death cases of heat stroke and the writer not
give information about the causes and the prevention to avoid heat stroke
3. Recommendation?
Actually, both of the coverage are important to the
people. For printed media such as newspaper and also journals, the information
is valid and that's why people printed it to become the references. Beside
that, the printed media also we can save it for the future references. For online media or online blog it good to people
because it easy to access and people or reader may know the news immediately.
When the people cannot buy the printed media such as newspaper, they will just
access to the internet. In that case, the online media give a quick access to
the reader.
Nursyamimi Saidi,
(2016, April 6). Bahaya strok haba. Kuala Lumpur. Utusan Online.
Nazurah Hassan,
(2016, April 11). Jangan buat 6 perkara ini semasa musim panas. Bahaya strok haba!. Sirap
Limau Blog. Retrieved from https://siraplimau.com/musim-panas-strok-haba/
SumberInformasi(2016, April 12). Heat
Sinar Harian, (2016, April 10). Hati-hati serangan strok haba. Sinar Harian. Retrieved from: http://www.sinarharian.com.my/rencana/hati-hati-serangan-strok-haba-1.255915.
VitaminKita, (2016, April 9). Strock haba: Awasi tanda-tanda awal. Retrieved from: http://www.vitaminkita.net/2015/02/strok-haba-awasi-tanda-tanda-awal.html